• Cheap International Mobile Data in 190+ countries

    Prepaid International Sim offers cheap mobile data in 190+ countries

    Our sims/e-sims are international roaming sims that work in nearly all countries. We do not provide local sims/e-sims.

    Data Packages 
  • SMS is supported

    SMS charges depend on the country/network from which you send SMS. Destination number does not change the price.

    SMS Rates 
  • Normal Voice Service is not supported

    However, we can arrange VOIP service with a Dutch number.

    Please send as an email if you want to make use of this possibility.

Low-Cost Data Roaming Solution

Our international simcards/e-sims cost 1 euro/month when they are active.

You pay for data only when you use data. International mobile data rates are very attractive.

You can use data packages to get more value for your money.

There is no monthly fee when you use your sim/e-sim with data packages

Our Physical Simcard

Worldmobile PRO SIM Card

Our physical sim is suitable for all devices. You can use the sim in routers as well.

There are no usage restrictions. You can buy as much data as you want.

The sim works in 191 countries.

Data rates are max 10 cents/MB.

Data is much cheaper when you use data packages.

WorldMobile PRO sim


WorldMobile PRO e-SIM

Our e-sim is suitable for all e-sim capable devices. You can use the sim in routers as well.

There are no usage restrictions. You can buy as much data as you want.

The e-sim works in 191 countries.

Data rates are max 10 cents/MB.

Data is much cheaper when you use data packages.

WorldMobile PRO e-SIM

Cheap data packages

Data Packages in 191 Countries

We offer 6 different data packages. The cheapest is EU data package. The most expensive package is the WORLD data package which is valid in 191 countries.

Each data package has 30 and 365 days variants.

Our yearly data packages offer is unique in the prepaid sim market.

You can choose data package sizes from 250MB to 20GB

Data Packages
  • All our simcards and e-sims are prepaid. Your costs are limited to the amount you have purchased in advance.

    The prepaid international data simcards and e-sims have identical data prices and data packages.

    Our sims work in 191 countries. You can use the sim/e-sim for a long time.

    You buy a sim card with credit or with a data package. You must have some credit (or a data package) on the sim in order to be able to use it. You can buy more credit later or order another data package.

    You can always leave your sim card active, and/or use the sim with a data package.

    If you want the sim/esim to be always active, then there is a monthly fee of 1 euro.

    If you want to use your sim with a data package, there are no fixed costs. The sim is only active during the validity period of the data package.

    You can leave your sim active, and use data packages when necessary. Data is cheaper with the data packages. If the package term has expired or if data in the package has been fully used, normal data rates will apply again.

    An inactive sim can be reactivated at a later time by purchasing new balance or a new data package.

  • You can leave your sim active, and use data packages when necessary. Data is cheaper with the data packages. If the package term has expired or if data in the package has been fully used, normal data rates will apply again.

    An inactive sim can be reactivated at a later time by purchasing new balance or a new data package